Individual or Group EHS Training

Sound environmental and safety training programs have the following four characteristics in common:

  • Accurate – Training materials are prepared by qualified individuals, updated as needed, and facilitated by appropriately qualified and experienced individuals employing appropriate training techniques and methods;
  • Credible – Training facilitators have a general background in the topic area or are a subject-matter-expert in an EHS-related field.  Trainers should have experience training adults or experience working with the target population.
  • Clear – Training programs must not only be accurate and believable, but they must also be clear and understandable to the participants, and written to the education level in attendance.  Training materials should be written in the language and grammar of the participant’s everyday speech.
  • Practical – Training programs should present information, ideas, and skills that participants see as directly useful in their working lives. Successful transfer of learning occurs when the participant can see how information presented in a training session can be applied in the workplace.

MEHS staff are experienced in the environmental and safety fields and in training facilitation; which contributes to a higher degree of facilitator credibility.  We ensure that readability and language choices match the intended audience for our environmental and safety training.  If an employee does not speak or comprehend English, we ensure that the appropriate language is utilized to ensure comprehension.  Similarly, if an employee’s vocabulary is limited or there is evidence of low literacy among participants, our training will account for that limitation.  Classroom and Computer-based training (CBT) are both used to reinforce employee’s understandings of policy, procedures, and concepts.  The most effective training is a combination of classroom and hands on programs which be later reinforced with CBT.